Brush the Cavity Germs Away

Tune: Five Speckled Frogs

(Place tooth on the felt board)

Here is my tooth brush
(Hold up tooth brush)

In our song there are five cavity germs
Count them with me
(Place cavity germ felt pieces on the felt board as you count )
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Five tiny cavity germs
Sticking to all my teeth
Waiting for sweet and sticky treats, Oh No
One got brushed away
It simply could not stay
(use the tooth brush to brush a cavity germ away)
Now there are 4 cavity germs, Oh No.

Four tiny cavity germs….
Three tiny cavity germs….
Two tiny cavity germs….

One tiny cavity germ
Sticking to all my teeth
Waiting for sweet and sticky treats, Oh No!
One got brushed away
It simply could not stay
(use the tooth brush to brush a germ away)
Now there are no more cavity germs Yippee

Buy the pattern to make your own Brush the Cavity Germs Away Felt Set 

or Buy Brush the Cavity Germs Away Already made.

Song Source: Cavity free