Ten Green Bottles

Today I am sharing a felt board set for a song that just about everyone knows. This felt set song is super interactive and putting numbers onto the bottles gives you the opportunity to look at numbers, talk about them, put them in sequence and practice counting up to ten and down again.

The bottles are each quite large and so is the wall being 54cm long and 12cm high. The larger size makes this set great to use with larger groups as well for children to use on their own. I’ve used brick patterned patchwork fabric backed with felt to make the wall. So much easier than creating individual bricks and just as effective I think.

There were ten green bottles standing on the wall
Ten green bottles standing on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidently fall
There’ll be nine green bottles standing on the wall

Nine Green Bottles standing on the wall…

Count down until ….

One Green Bottle standing on the wall
One green bottle standing on the wall
And if that green bottle should accidently fall
There’ll be no green bottles standing on the wall