A House for Birdie

This is a wonderful interactive story where children work together to help Birdie and her friends each find a perfect house to keep them warm and dry.

Children learn about shapes and colors as they play.

Adapted by Kate McKnight from the book

A House for Birdie written by Stuart Murphy

This is the script for A House for Birdie, the full script provides suggestions for how to use the felt set to perform the story and promote quality learning experiences as well as capturing the audience’s attention.

This is Birdie. (Put Birdie on the felt board).

What colour is Birdie ? —-Purple

What shape is Birdie? — A Square – a square has four sides that are all the same length.

Birdie doesn’t have a house and when it rains Birdie gets wet,

and when the wind blows, Birdie gets cold (shiver).

But Birdie did have FRIENDS!

Spike who is orange and triangle shaped (Put orange Bird on felt board).

Rosie who is pink and rectangle shaped

(Put Pink Bird on felt board).

Skye who is blue and circle shaped ( Put Blue Bird on felt board).

Ollie who is green and oval shaped  (Put Green Bird on felt board).

And Goldie who is yellow and pentagon shaped (Put yellow Bird on felt board).

( Depending on the age of the children—you can talk about the characteristics of each shape,   number of sides , and more about the colors of each bird house and bird).


One day Birdie asked her friends if they would help find her a house.

Birdie’s friends were happy to help because that’s what good friends do!

So they all set out to find a house for Birdie.

The first house they came to was a blue house (Put blue house on the felt board).

The blue house has a door.

Can you tell me what shape the door is? —It’s a circle.

Do you think Birdie will fit in this house?

Wait for children to answer as you place Birdie in the doorway — No

Do you think Rosie will fit in this house? (Put Rosie in the door way) — No

Do you think Ollie will fit in this house? (Put Ollie in the door way) — No

Do you think Goldie will fit in this house? (Put Goldie in the door way) — No

Do you think Spike will fit in this house? (Put Spike in the door way)

Who will fit in this house?

Skye (Put Skye in the door way)

Skye will fit in the house with a circle shaped door because Skye is a Circle.

Birdie still didn’t have a house to keep her warm and dry.

So Spike, Ollie, Rosie and Goldie

continued on to look for a house for Birdie.

The second house they came to was a pink house with a rectangle shaped door.

(Put pink house on the felt board)

 Who do you think will fit in this house?

Do you think Birdie will fit in this house?

(Wait for children to answer as you place Birdie in the doorway) — No.

Do you think Ollie will fit in this house? (Put Ollie in the door way) — No

Do you think Goldie will fit in this house? (Put Goldie in the door way) — No

Do you think Spike will fit in this house? (Put Spike in the door way) — No

Who will fit in this house?


(Put Rosie in the door way)

Rosie will fit in the house with a rectangle shape door because Rosie is a Rectangle.

But, Birdie still didn’t have a house to keep her warm and dry.

So Spike, Ollie, and Goldie continued on to look for a house for Birdie.

The third house they came to was an orange house with a triangle door.

(Put orange house on the felt board).

Is this a good house for Birdie?

 (Wait for children to answer as you place Birdie in the door way) –No.

Who would this be a good house for?

(Pause for children to answer)

That’s right; this would be a good house for Spike (Put Spike in the house).

Spike will fit in the house with a triangle door because spike is a triangle.

Birdie still didn’t have a house to keep her warm and dry.

 So Ollie and Goldie continued on to look for a house for Birdie.

The fourth house they came to was a yellow house with a pentagon shaped door.

(Put yellow house on the felt board).

Is this a good house for Birdie?

(Wait for children to answer as you place Birdie in the door way) –No.

Who would this be a good house for? (Pause for children to answer)

 That’s right; this would be a good house for Goldie (Put Goldie in the house).

Goldie will fit in the house with a pentagon shaped door because Goldie is a pentagon.

Birdie still didn’t have a house to keep her warm and dry.

So Ollie and Birdie continued on to look for a house for Birdie.

The fifth house they came to was a green house with an oval door.

Is this a good house for Birdie?

(Wait for children to answer as you put Birdie in the door way) –No.

Who would this be a good house for?

(Pause for children to answer)

That’s right; this would be a good house for Ollie (Place Ollie in the house).

Ollie will fit in the house with an oval door because Ollie is an oval.

Birdie still didn’t have a house to keep her warm and dry.

So Birdie continued on alone, to look for a house that was a perfect house for her.

The sixth house that Birdie found was a purple house with a square door.

Is this a good house for Birdie?

 (Wait for children to answer as you place Birdie in the door opening) –Yes.

Yes, this house is a perfect fit for Birdie because Birdie is a square!

Now Birdie and her friends are warm and dry in their houses.

– The End –

Buy the pattern to make your own A House for Birdie Felt Set

Buy A House for Birdie Felt Set Readymade