Little White Rabbits Colours
Learn about colors and color mixing as Little White Rabbit magically changes color whilst playing with three buckets of paint.
Adapted by Kate McKnight from the book
White Rabbits Color Book by Alan Baker
Preparation for telling Little White Rabbit's Colors
You either need 3 colored buckets – red, blue and yellow and a white bucket for the water bucket or other buckets with felt paint and water trickles attached to the sides.

Remember, don’t let the children peek in the buckets ahead of time!
Place the felt rabbits into the buckets as follows:

Yellow Bucket: Yellow and Green Rabbits
Red Bucket: Red, Orange and Brown Rabbits.
Blue Bucket: Blue and Purple Rabbits.
Water Bucket: 2 White Rabbits
(Begin story with third White Rabbit in your hand)
Little White Rabbit's Colors Script
This is Little White Rabbit. She is white all over and has a fluffy white tail.
(hold up a white felt rabbit).

One day Little White Rabbit was hopping along and she found
one, two, three buckets of paint.

(point to the buckets as you count) and a bucket of water.
They were red, yellow and blue (point to each bucket as you say the colour).
“This one is sunshine yellow” said Little White Rabbit.
“I’ll take a quick dip. Hop, jump, splish, splash ,splish”.
(Put the white rabbit into the yellow bucket and take out a yellow rabbit)

Now Little White Rabbit is yellow like the sun.
“Now, what about red” said the Little White Rabbit.
Hop, jump, splish, splash ,splish.
(put yellow rabbit in the red bucket and take out an orange rabbit)

What’s this? Little White Rabbit has turned orange!
Look red and yellow together make orange.
(Point to the red and yellow buckets of paint as you name the colors.
“Time for a bath to wash off all the paint” said Little White Rabbit.
So Little White Rabbit jumped into the bucket of water.
Hop, jump, splish, splash,splish.
Rub a dub, dub.
Now Little White Rabbit is white again.
(Put the orange rabbit into the water bucket and take out a white rabbit).

Little White Rabbit said “Let’s try red on its own!”
Hop, jump, splish, splash, splish.
(put the white rabbit into the red bucket and pull out a red rabbit)

Now Little White Rabbit is red – hot sizzling red.
Little White Rabbit said “The bucket of blue paint looks so cool”
So she jumped into the blue bucket.
Hop, jump, splish, splash, splish.
(put the red rabbit into the blue bucket and take out a purple rabbit)

What’s this? Look now! Little White Rabbit is purple.
Look! Red and blue together make purple!
(Point to the buckets as you say each colour).
“Time for another bath to wash off the purple paint” said Little White Rabbit.
So Little White Rabbit jumped into the bucket of water.
Hop, jump, splish, splash ,splish. Rub a dub, dub.
Now Little White Rabbit is white again.
(Put the purple rabbit into the water bucket and take out a white rabbit)

Next Little White Rabbit jumped into the bucket of blue paint.
Hop, jump, splish, splash, splish.
(put the white rabbit into blue bucket and take out a blue rabbit).

Little White Rabbit is blue. An icy cold blue brrrr.
“How warm yellow looks” said Little White Rabbit.
So she jumped into the bucket of yellow paint.
Hop, jump, splish, splash, splish.
(put the blue rabbit into yellow bucket and take out a green rabbit)

What’s this? Now Little White Rabbit is green.
Look blue and yellow make green
(Point the blue and yellow paint as you say their name)
“Time for another bath” said Little White Rabbit.
Oh dear, there’s no more water in the water bucket!
All that was left was a little red paint.
Little White Rabbit said “I wonder what would happen if I jumped into the red bucket of paint”.
So she did. Hop, jump, splish, splash, splish.
(put a green rabbit into the red bucket and take out a brown rabbit)

Now Little White Rabbit is brown, a lovely warm brown.
Look blue, yellow and red together make brown.
(Point the blue and yellow and red paint as you say their name)
Little White Rabbit loved being brown.
“Brown is just right for me” said Little White Rabbit.
And away she hopped away to show all of her friends.